PCB Prototype the Easy Way

Full feature custom PCB prototype service.

Comment pouvons- nous vous aider?

Orders Combination, Shipping and Payment Policy

One Payment, One Shipment!

1. The purpose of order combination is to save on shipping costs. If your schedule for your PCBs is not tight, combine your orders and ship them together.

2. By combining all these orders into one group and paying now, you confirm that all these orders will be shipped together around [xx-xx-xx]. This is the date when we can complete your last PCB order in this order group, and we may need some extra time for the express company (no service on Sundays) to pick up your package.

3. If there are expedited orders or you need some regular orders to be shipped earlier, please tick the order(s) and pay separately so that we can ship the specific orders as scheduled.

4. We strongly suggest you pay for your orders on or before 8:30 GMT so that our factory can start fabrication the same day.

Combine shipping: Pack and deliver the PCBs together with products that have already been paid for or produced.

Orders Combination.jpg

Dernière mise à jour le 22/08/2024
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